
Push those proportions!

In Figure Drawing, one of the keys to maintaining vitality and life in a drawing is down to how you handle exaggeration. I always try to push a pose 10% further than what’s in front of me. That way, when the drawing settles down you still have something with life and not a stiff facsimile. This can also apply to proportion. I find it’s a good exercise to push proportion till it ‘almost’ breaks. Sometimes you go too far but but that’s half the fun of it!

Life Drawing bootcamp starts tomorrow!

This three week bootcamp will help bring your Life Drawing to the next level. Over the 3 weeks we'll look at the different stages for developing solid drawing habits through a variety of techniques, lectures and demos whilst drawing from the model. We’ll discuss design language, transitional forms, foreshortening and a variety of topics that will help develop our drawing.

Gesture Drawing

5 min Gesture from this last week at one of the few sessions where I get to just sit down and draw! Getting those large ideas down quickly gives us a chance to see where we need to adjust before moving further into the drawing. My Life Drawing Bootcamp starts this Tuesday! 3 Tuesday evenings in Covent Garden, should be fun!
